the plan for the future


A Short Introduction to Natural Money
Natural Money For Dummies
The End of Usury
Feasibility Of Interest-free Demurrage Currency
Economic Theory Of Natural Money
Background And History Of This Project
Quotes About Natural Money
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Natural Money Blog


Blog Entries

Building a New Economy
Barataria: An Economic Fairy Tale
Local and Regional Money
The End of Currency
The Great Reset
Inflation and Interest
The Collapse of Complex Societies
Liquidity Crisis II: The Revenge of Discounting Interest
Do Central Banks Set Interest Rates, or Do Markets?
A Matter of Trust
The 'Sudden' Wave of Inflation
26 Billionaires Own as Much as the World's Bottom 50%
Cash for Negative Interest Rates
Shadows Grow Taller until the Sun Sets
Natural Money and Complementary Currencies
Saving the Economy and Restoring Financial Sanity
The Road to Serfdom
The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
Two Types of Banks
Uncharted Territory
Permanent Liquidity
Financial Stability Hypothesis
Joseph in Egypt
The Miracle of Wörgl
More blog entries...


Natural Money

Welcome to Natural Money, the design of a global financial system without usury. There will be no inflation, and interest rates will be negative. Financial and economic crises will be distant memories. We will live in harmony with nature, and poverty will be gone.

It seems too good to be true. Financial reform alone will not bring a better future. But interest charges contribute to poverty, wealth inequality and financial instability. Usury is a sneaky assassin of societies and even civilisations. That is why it must end.

All fixed interest rates above zero are usury. Since negative interest rates are possible, ending usury seems possible. Natural Money is a design for a future financial system, including a monetary-economic theory that builds on economics and history.

To understand this research, you need to have an economic background. If you have limited knowledge of economics, you can read A Short Introduction to Natural Money, and if you want to know more, you can also read Natural Money For Dummies.



Poor Because Of Money
The Power of Microeconomics
The Power of Macroeconomics
Financial Markets
Economics of Money and Banking, Part One
Economics of Money and Banking, Part Two

History, society and religion
A Brief History of Humankind
Model Thinking
An Introduction to Legal and Political Philosophy
The Bible's Prehistory, Purpose and Political Future
Practising Tolerance: The Church and the Jews in Italy
The Collapse of Complex Societies